The Effects of a Dirty Air Filter on Your Allen Area Home Are PreventableYour HVAC technician has no doubt advised you to check and change your system’s air filter once a month in between professional checkups. You may already know that a clogged filter isn’t good for the equipment, but you may not realize the full impact of neglecting this simple monthly chore. You can experience the unpleasant effects of a dirty air filter in a number of ways, including:

  • Expensive, unnecessary repairs – As the filter gets clogged with particles, crucial airflow through the system is restricted. A certain amount of airflow is necessary for the HVAC system to operate properly, so this puts undue strain on the equipment. Over time, the extra wear and tear can lead to breakdowns, costly repairs or even replacements if the equipment fails prematurely.
  • Lost capacity – When the air filter becomes too dirty and airflow is reduced, the output of conditioned air at the registers drops too, and your comfort suffers. If it’s cooling season, your living space will feel hot and sticky, even with the A/C running. During the winter, the furnace won’t keep your home as cozy and warm.
  • Higher operating costs – When dirt and grime build up on the air filter and throughout the system, the HVAC equipment is forced to work harder just to meet the temperature setting on the thermostat. This drop in energy efficiency means you’ll pay higher monthly electricity bills.
  • Decreased safety – If a dirty filter is severely restricting airflow, key components within the system can overheat. Besides the damage potential to your costly equipment, overheating creates a fire hazard that puts the entire household in jeopardy.
  • Air quality issues – An HVAC filter traps many of the airborne particles that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. If the filter’s too dirty to capture them, mold and mildew spores, pollen and pet dander can build up inside the ductwork and be redistributed throughout your home.

To learn more about the effects of a dirty air filter on the HVAC system in your McKinney, Frisco or Allen area home, contact us at Bill Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating today.